File field2d.hxx#

Definition of 2D scalar field class.

Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu

Contact: Ben Dudson,

This file is part of BOUT++.

BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with BOUT++. If not, see




Field2D operator+(const Field2D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs)#
Field2D operator-(const Field2D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs)#
Field2D operator*(const Field2D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs)#
Field2D operator/(const Field2D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs)#
Field3D operator+(const Field2D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs)#
Field3D operator-(const Field2D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs)#
Field3D operator*(const Field2D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs)#
Field3D operator/(const Field2D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs)#
Field2D operator+(const Field2D &lhs, BoutReal rhs)#
Field2D operator-(const Field2D &lhs, BoutReal rhs)#
Field2D operator*(const Field2D &lhs, BoutReal rhs)#
Field2D operator/(const Field2D &lhs, BoutReal rhs)#
Field2D operator+(BoutReal lhs, const Field2D &rhs)#
Field2D operator-(BoutReal lhs, const Field2D &rhs)#
Field2D operator*(BoutReal lhs, const Field2D &rhs)#
Field2D operator/(BoutReal lhs, const Field2D &rhs)#
Field2D operator-(const Field2D &f)

Unary minus. Returns the negative of given field, iterates over whole domain including guard/boundary cells.

inline Field2D toFieldAligned(const Field2D &f, const std::string &region = "RGN_ALL")#
inline Field2D fromFieldAligned(const Field2D &f, const std::string &region = "RGN_ALL")#
void checkData(const Field2D &f, const std::string &region = "RGN_NOBNDRY")

Check if the data is valid.

Throw an exception if f is not allocated or if any elements are non-finite (for CHECK > 2). Loops over all points including the boundaries by default (can be changed using the rgn argument

void invalidateGuards(Field2D &var)

Force guard cells of passed field var to NaN.

inline Field2D DC(const Field2D &f)#

Average in the Z direction Field2D has no Z direction — return input


f[in] Variable to average

inline BOUT_HOST_DEVICE Field2D & ddt (Field2D &f)

Returns a reference to the time-derivative of a field f

Wrapper around member function f.timeDeriv()

inline std::string toString(const Field2D &val)#

toString template specialisation Defined in utils.hxx

bool operator==(const Field2D &a, const Field2D &b)

Test if two fields are the same, by calculating the minimum absolute difference between them

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Field2D &value)
class Field2D : public Field#
#include <field2d.hxx>

2D X-Y scalar fields

Handles data for axisymmetric quantities. Essentially the same as the Field3D class.

Public Types

using ind_type = Ind2D#
using value_type = BoutReal#

Data type.

Public Functions

Field2D(Mesh *localmesh = nullptr, CELL_LOC location_in = CELL_CENTRE, DirectionTypes directions_in = {YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Average})#

Constructor, taking an optional mesh pointer This mesh pointer is not used until the data is allocated, since Field2D objects can be globals, created before a mesh has been created.

By default the global Mesh pointer (mesh) is used.


localmesh[in] The mesh which defines the field size.

Field2D(const Field2D &f)#

Copy constructor. After this both fields will share the same underlying data.

inline Field2D(Field2D &&f) noexcept#

Move constructor

Field2D(BoutReal val, Mesh *localmesh = nullptr)#

Constructor. This creates a Field2D using the global Mesh pointer (mesh) allocates data, and assigns the value val to all points including boundary cells.

Field2D(Array<BoutReal> data, Mesh *localmesh, CELL_LOC location = CELL_CENTRE, DirectionTypes directions_in = {YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Average})#

Constructor from Array and Mesh.

~Field2D() override#


Field2D &allocate()#

Ensure data is allocated.

inline bool isAllocated() const#

Test if data is allocated.

Field2D *timeDeriv()#

Return a pointer to the time-derivative field.

inline virtual int getNx() const override#

Return the number of nx points

inline virtual int getNy() const override#

Return the number of ny points

inline virtual int getNz() const override#

Return the number of nz points

inline virtual Field2D &setLocation(CELL_LOC new_location) override#

Set variable location for staggered grids to


new_location – Throws BoutException if new_location is not CELL_CENTRE and staggered grids are turned off and checks are on. If checks are off, silently sets location to CELL_CENTRE instead.

inline virtual Field2D &setDirectionY(YDirectionType d) override#
inline bool hasParallelSlices() const#

Check if this field has yup and ydown fields.

inline Field2D &yup(std::vector<Field2D>::size_type index = 0)#
inline const Field2D &yup(std::vector<Field2D>::size_type index = 0) const#
inline Field2D &ydown(std::vector<Field2D>::size_type index = 0)#
inline const Field2D &ydown(std::vector<Field2D>::size_type index = 0) const#
inline Field2D &ynext(int dir)#
inline const Field2D &ynext(int dir) const#
Field2D &operator=(const Field2D &rhs)#

Assignment from Field2D. After this both fields will share the same underlying data. To make a true copy, call .allocate() after assignment, or use the copy() function.

Field2D &operator=(Field2D &&rhs) noexcept#
Field2D &operator=(BoutReal rhs)#

Allocates data if not already allocated, then sets all cells to rhs

const Region<Ind2D> &getRegion(REGION region) const#

Return a Region<Ind2D> reference to use to iterate over this field.

const Region<Ind2D> &getRegion(const std::string &region_name) const#
inline const Region<Ind2D> &getValidRegionWithDefault(const std::string &region_name) const#
inline Region<Ind2D>::RegionIndices::const_iterator begin() const#
inline Region<Ind2D>::RegionIndices::const_iterator end() const#
inline BoutReal &BOUT_HOST_DEVICE operator[] (const Ind2D &d)
inline const BoutReal &BOUT_HOST_DEVICE operator[] (const Ind2D &d) const
BoutReal &BOUT_HOST_DEVICE operator[] (const Ind3D &d)
const BoutReal &BOUT_HOST_DEVICE operator[] (const Ind3D &d) const
inline BOUT_HOST_DEVICE BoutReal & operator() (int jx, int jy)

Access to the underlying data array.

If CHECK <= 2 then no checks are performed

If CHECK > 2 then both jx and jy are bounds checked. This will significantly reduce performance.

inline BOUT_HOST_DEVICE const BoutReal & operator() (int jx, int jy) const
inline BOUT_HOST_DEVICE BoutReal & operator() (int jx, int jy, int jz)

DIrect access to underlying array. This version is for compatibility with Field3D objects

inline BOUT_HOST_DEVICE const BoutReal & operator() (int jx, int jy, int jz) const
Field2D &operator+=(const Field2D &rhs)#

In-place addition. Copy-on-write used if data is shared.

Field2D &operator+=(BoutReal rhs)#

In-place addition. Copy-on-write used if data is shared.

Field2D &operator-=(const Field2D &rhs)#

In-place subtraction. Copy-on-write used if data is shared.

Field2D &operator-=(BoutReal rhs)#

In-place subtraction. Copy-on-write used if data is shared.

Field2D &operator*=(const Field2D &rhs)#

In-place multiplication. Copy-on-write used if data is shared.

Field2D &operator*=(BoutReal rhs)#

In-place multiplication. Copy-on-write used if data is shared.

Field2D &operator/=(const Field2D &rhs)#

In-place division. Copy-on-write used if data is shared.

Field2D &operator/=(BoutReal rhs)#

In-place division. Copy-on-write used if data is shared.

inline virtual bool is3D() const override#

True if variable is 3D.

inline virtual void doneComms() override#
virtual void applyBoundary(bool init = false) override#
void applyBoundary(BoutReal time)#
void applyBoundary(const std::string &condition)#
inline void applyBoundary(const char *condition)#
void applyBoundary(const std::string &region, const std::string &condition)#
virtual void applyTDerivBoundary() override#
void setBoundaryTo(const Field2D &f2d)#

Copy the boundary region.

inline virtual int size() const override#

Get the total number of points.

Private Members

Array<BoutReal> data#

Internal data array. Handles allocation/freeing of memory.

int nx = {-1}#

Array sizes (from fieldmesh). These are valid only if fieldmesh is not null.

int ny = {-1}#
Field2D *deriv = {nullptr}#

Time-derivative, can be nullptr.


friend class Vector2D
friend void swap(Field2D &first, Field2D &second) noexcept#