File vector2d.hxx#

Class for 2D vectors. Built on the Field2D class, all operators relating to vectors are here (none in Field classes). As with Field2D, Vector2D are constant in z (toroidal angle) Components are either co- or contra-variant, depending on a flag. By default they are covariant.

Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu


B. Dudson, October 2007

Contact: Ben Dudson,

This file is part of BOUT++.

BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with BOUT++. If not, see




const Vector2D operator*(BoutReal lhs, const Vector2D &rhs)#
const Vector2D operator*(const Field2D &lhs, const Vector2D &rhs)
const Vector3D operator*(const Field3D &lhs, const Vector2D &rhs)
const Vector2D cross(const Vector2D &lhs, const Vector2D &rhs)#

Cross product.

const Vector3D cross(const Vector2D &lhs, const Vector3D &rhs)#

Cross product.

Coordinates::FieldMetric abs(const Vector2D &v, const std::string &region = "RGN_ALL")

Absolute value (Modulus) of given vector v

|v| = sqrt( v dot v )

inline Vector2D toFieldAligned(Vector2D v, const std::string &region = "RGN_ALL")#

Transform to and from field-aligned coordinates.

inline Vector2D fromFieldAligned(Vector2D v, const std::string &region = "RGN_ALL")#
inline Vector2D emptyFrom(const Vector2D &v)#

Create new Vector2D with same attributes as the argument, but uninitialised components.

inline Vector2D zeroFrom(const Vector2D &v)#

Create new Vector2D with same attributes as the argument, and zero-initialised components.

inline Vector2D &ddt(Vector2D &f)#

Time derivative of 2D vector field.

class Vector2D : public FieldData#
#include <vector2d.hxx>

A vector with three components (x,y,z) which only vary in 2D (x and y). Implemented as a collection of three Field2D objects.

Public Functions

Vector2D(const Vector2D &f)#
Vector2D(Mesh *localmesh = nullptr, bool covariant = true, CELL_LOC location = CELL_LOC::centre)#

Many-argument constructor for fully specifying the initialisation of a Vector3D.

~Vector2D() override#
void toCovariant()#

In-place conversion to covariant form.

void toContravariant()#

In-place conversion to contravariant form.

Vector2D *timeDeriv()#

Return a pointer to the time-derivative field.

Vector2D &operator=(const Vector2D &rhs)#


Vector2D &operator=(BoutReal val)#

Assign a BoutReal value. This sets all components to the same value val.

Vector2D v = 0.0;

is equivalent to

Vector2D v; v.x = 0.0; v.y = 0.0; v.z = 0.0;

The only real use for this is setting vector to zero.

Vector2D &operator+=(const Vector2D &rhs)#
const Vector2D operator-() const#

Unary minus, changes sign of all components.

Vector2D &operator-=(const Vector2D &rhs)#

Subtract another vector.

Vector2D &operator*=(BoutReal rhs)#

Multiply all components by rhs.

Vector2D &operator*=(const Field2D &rhs)#

Multiply all components by rhs.

Vector2D &operator/=(BoutReal rhs)#

Divide all components by rhs.

Vector2D &operator/=(const Field2D &rhs)#

Divide all components by rhs.

const Vector2D operator+(const Vector2D &rhs) const#


const Vector3D operator+(const Vector3D &rhs) const#


const Vector2D operator-(const Vector2D &rhs) const#

Subtract vector rhs.

const Vector3D operator-(const Vector3D &rhs) const#

Subtract vector rhs.

const Vector2D operator*(BoutReal rhs) const#

Multiply all components by rhs.

const Vector2D operator*(const Field2D &rhs) const#

Multiply all components by rhs.

const Vector3D operator*(const Field3D &rhs) const#

Multiply all components by rhs.

const Vector2D operator/(BoutReal rhs) const#

Divides all components by rhs.

const Vector2D operator/(const Field2D &rhs) const#

Divides all components by rhs.

const Vector3D operator/(const Field3D &rhs) const#

Divides all components by rhs.

const Coordinates::FieldMetric operator*(const Vector2D &rhs) const#

Dot product.

const Field3D operator*(const Vector3D &rhs) const#

Dot product.

virtual Vector2D &setLocation(CELL_LOC loc) override#

Set component locations consistently.

virtual CELL_LOC getLocation() const override#

Get component location.

inline virtual bool is3D() const override#

True if variable is 3D.

inline virtual int elementSize() const override#

Number of BoutReals in one element.

virtual void applyBoundary(bool init = false) override#

Apply boundary condition to all fields.

inline void applyBoundary(const std::string &condition)#
inline void applyBoundary(const char *condition)#
virtual void applyTDerivBoundary() override#

Public Members

Coordinates::FieldMetric x#
Coordinates::FieldMetric y#
Coordinates::FieldMetric z#


bool covariant = {true}#

true if the components are covariant (default)

Private Members

Vector2D *deriv = {nullptr}#

Time-derivative, can be NULL.

CELL_LOC location = {CELL_CENTRE}#

Location of the variable in the cell.