Performance profiling

Analyzing code behaviour is vital for getting the best performance from BOUT++. This is done by profiling the code, that is, building and running the code using tools that report the amount of time each processor spends in functions, on communications, etc.

This section describes how to compile and run BOUT++ using the Scorep/Scalasca and Extrae/Paraver tool chains. Both are suitable for analyzing code parallelized with MPI and/or OpenMP. Scorep+Scalasca gives timings and call trees for each processor/thread, while Extrae/Paraver produces visualizations showing what each processor/thread is doing at a point in time.

Scorep/Scalasca profiling


Scorep automatically reports the time spent in MPI communications and OpenMP loops. However, to obtain information on the time spent in specific functions, it is necessary to instrument the source code. The macros to do this are provided in scorepwrapper.hxx.

To include a function in Scorep’s timing, include the scorep wrapper in the source code

#include <bout/scorepwrapper.hxx>

and then write the macro SCOREP0() at the top of the function, e.g.

int Field::getNx() const{
  return getMesh()->LocalNx;

Regions of a function can also be timed by enclosing the region in braces and using the BOUT_SCOREP_REGION macro. For example,

void Field2D::applyBoundary(BoutReal time) {


  BOUT_SCOREP_REGION("display name");
    for (const auto& bndry : bndry_op) {
      bndry->apply(*this, time);

Here, the SCOREP0 macro ensures the whole applyBoundary function is timed. In addition, the for loop is also timed and appears in the Scalasca profile as a region inside applyBoundary with the name “display name”. Any number of Scorep user regions can be used in a function; user regions can also be nested.

Caution Instrumenting a function makes it execute more slowly. This can result in misleading profiling information, particularly if fast-but-frequently-called functions are instrumented. Try to instrument significant functions only.

The profiling overhead in sensibly-instrumented code should be only a few percent of runtime.

Configure and build

Configure with --with-scorep to enable Scorep instrumentation, then build as normal. This option can be combined with other options, but it is usually desirable to profile the optimized code, configuring with the flags --enable-optimize=3 --enable-checks=0. Build the code with make as normal.

With CMake:

$ SCOREP_WRAPPER=off cmake \
  -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=scorep-mpicc \
  -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=scorep-mpicxx \
  <other CMake options>

This will turn off the instrumentation during the configure step. Please be aware that if you change CMakeLists.txt, CMake will try to automatically reconfigure the build, which the Score-P wrappers interfere with. In this case you will need to restart the configure step from scratch (i.e. remove the build directory and start again).

Run and analysis

When running the code, prepend the run command with scalasca -analyze, e.g.

$ scalasca -analyze mpirun -np 2 elm_pb

The run then produces an “archive” containing profiling data in a directory called scorep_<exec_name>_<proc_info>_sum. To view the profiling information with the cube viewer, do

$ cube scorep_<exec_name>_<proc_info>_sum/profile.cubex

Note that Scorep does not run if doing so would produce an archive with the same name as an existing archive. Therefore to rerun an executable on the same number of processors, it is necessary to move or delete the first archive.

Machine-specific installation

These are some configurations which have been found to work on particular machines.


As of 23rd January 2019, the following configuration should work

$ module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
$ module load fftw
$ module load archer-netcdf/4.1.3
$ module load scalasca

Note that due to a bug in the CC compiler, it is necessary to modify make.config after configuration if profiling OpenMP-parallelized code:

  • add the flag -fopenmp to BOUT_FLAGS

  • add the flag --thread=omp:ancestry as an argument to scorep in CXX

Extrae/Paraver profiling

Extrae is a powerful tool allowing visualization of commumication and computation in parallel codes. It requires minimal instrumentation; however the trace files produced can be extremely large.

Instrumentation, configure and build

No changes to the code are necessary. On some systems, environment variables must be set before building. Otherwise, compile and build as normal.


To run, add a trace script into the normal run command, so that for example

$ aprun -n 16 blob2d -d delta_1


$ aprun -n 16 ./ blob2d -d delta_1

where is the script file


export EXTRAE_CONFIG_FILE=./extrae.xml


The run directory must also contain the file extrae.xml, which configures which data Extrae collects. Example extrae.xml files may be found in ${EXTRAE_HOME}/share/example/*/extrae.xml

Running produces a file called TRACE.mpits. To generate the .prv trace file that can be read by Paraver, do

${EXTRAE_HOME}/bin/mpi2prv -f ${EXTRAE_WORK_DIR}/TRACE.mpits -o ${TRACE_NAME}


Open the trace file in Paraver with

$ wxparaver ${TRACE_NAME}

To view time traces, go to File -> Load Configuration. There are many configurations to choose from! Two useful configurations are:

  • mpi/views/MPI_call.cfg to show when MPI calls are made

  • General/views/useful_duration.cfg to show continuous bursts of computation

Reducing trace file size

When trace files are very large, Paraver will prompt the user to filter or cut the file to reduce its size. Filtering removes some information from the trace, making it small enough to open and allow the user to select a region of interest. Cutting crops the trace to a region of interest. Both operations create new trace files, and never overwrite the original trace.

The following prescription should work for manipulating large trace files:

  1. Open the large trace file in Paraver and click ‘Yes’ to filter it

  2. Click on the tick box ‘Filter’

  3. Filter the trace file:
    1. select box for Events

    2. select box for Communications

    3. in ‘Keep States’ select box for ‘Running’

    4. in ‘Keep States’ select box for ‘IO’

    5. select a min duration of 1000

    6. click ‘Apply’

  4. View ‘useful duration’ configuration and locate the region of interest

  5. Zoom into the region of interest, and start and end the zoom on equivalent large sections of computation (blue/green)

  6. Right click -> Run -> Cutter

  7. Change the ‘Input’ trace file to cut from the filtered to the original one.

  8. Click cut.

This produces a trace file which has all the original profiling information, but is much smaller as it is limited in time to a region of interest.

Machine-specific installation

These are some configurations which have been found to work on particular machines.


As of 1st February 2019, the following configuration should work

$ module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
$ module load fftw
$ module load archer-netcdf/4.1.3
$ module load papi
$ module load bsctools/extrae
$ export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic

Note that due to a bug in the CC compiler, it is necessary to modify make.config after configuration to add the flag -fopenmp to BOUT_FLAGS, when profiling OpenMP-parallelized code.