File constants.hxx


constexpr BoutReal PI = 3.141592653589793

Mathematical constant pi.

constexpr BoutReal TWOPI = 2 * PI

Mathematical constant 2 * pi.

namespace SI


constexpr BoutReal c = 299792458

Speed of light in vacuum.

constexpr BoutReal mu0 = 4.e-7 * PI

Permeability of free space.

constexpr BoutReal e0 = 1 / (c * c * mu0)

Permittivity of free space.

constexpr BoutReal qe = 1.602176634e-19

Electron charge.

constexpr BoutReal Me = 9.10938356e-31

Electron mass.

constexpr BoutReal Mp = 1.672621898e-27

Proton mass.

constexpr BoutReal kb = 1.38064852e-23

Boltzmanns constant.

constexpr BoutReal amu = 1.660539040e-27

Unified atomic mass unit.

constexpr BoutReal M_Hydrogen = 1.008 * amu

Mass of a Hydrogen atom.

constexpr BoutReal M_Deuterium = 2.01410178 * amu

Mass of a Deuterium atom.

constexpr BoutReal M_Tritium = 3.0160492 * amu

Mass of a Tritium atom.