File timer.hxx


class Timer
#include <timer.hxx>

Timing class for performance benchmarking and diagnosis

To record the time spent in a particular function, create a Timer object when you wish to start timing

void someFunction() {
  Timer timer("test"); // Starts timer

} // Timer stops when goes out of scope

Each time this function is called, the total time spent in someFunction will be accumulated. To get the total time spent use getTime()

Timer::getTime("test"); // Returns time in seconds as double

To reset the timer, use resetTime

Timer::resetTime("test"); // Timer reset to zero, returning time as double

Public Types

using clock_type = typename std::conditional<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::is_steady, std::chrono::high_resolution_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock>::type
using seconds = std::chrono::duration<double, std::chrono::seconds::period>

Public Functions


Create a timer. This constructor is equivalent to Timer(“”)

explicit Timer(const std::string &label)

Create a timer, continuing from last time if the same label has already been used


Stop the timer

inline double getTime()

Get the time in seconds for time particular Timer object

Timer timer("test");
// Some calculation
output << timer.getTime();
// timer still counting

inline double getTotalTime()

Get the total time in seconds since the very first initialisation.

inline double resetTime()

Get the time in seconds, reset timer to zero

Public Static Functions

static inline double getTime(const std::string &label)

The total time in seconds

static inline double getTotalTime(const std::string &label)

Total time elapsed since the very first initialisation.

static inline double resetTime(const std::string &label)

The total time in seconds, resets the timer to zero

static void cleanup()

Clears all timers, freeing memory

static inline std::map<std::string, timer_info> getAllInfo()

Return the map of all the individual timers.

static void printTimeReport()

Print a table listing all known timers to output

Table is sorted by descending largest total time and has columns for total time, percentage of largest total time, total number of hits, and mean time per hit

Private Members

timer_info &timing

The current timing information.

Private Static Functions

static timer_info &getInfo(const std::string &label)

Get a timing info object by name or return a new instance.

static double getTime(const timer_info &info)

Get the elapsed time in seconds for timing info.

static double getTotalTime(const timer_info &info)

Get the total elapsed time in seconds since the first initialisation.

static double resetTime(timer_info &info)

Get the elapsed time, reset timing info to zero.

Private Static Attributes

static std::map<std::string, timer_info> info

Store of existing timing info objects.

struct timer_info

Structure to contain timing information.

Public Members

seconds time

Time of last duration/since last reset.

seconds total_time

Total time since initial creation.

bool running

Is the timer currently running?

clock_type::time_point started

Start time.

unsigned int counter

Number of Timer objects associated with this timer_info

unsigned int hits

Number of times this Timer was hit.