File cyclic.hxx

class InvertParCR : public InvertPar

Public Functions

explicit InvertParCR(Options *opt, CELL_LOC location = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *mesh_in = bout::globals::mesh)
virtual const Field3D solve(const Field3D &f) override

Solve the system of equations

This method must be implemented

inline virtual void setCoefA(const Field2D &f) override

Set the constant coefficient A

inline virtual void setCoefB(const Field2D &f) override

Set the Grad2_par2 coefficient B

inline virtual void setCoefC(const Field2D &f) override

Set the D2DYDZ coefficient C

inline virtual void setCoefD(const Field2D &f) override

Set the D2DZ2 coefficient D

inline virtual void setCoefE(const Field2D &f) override

Set the DDY coefficient E

Private Members

Field2D A = {0.0}
Field2D B = {0.0}
Field2D C = {0.0}
Field2D D = {0.0}
Field2D E = {0.0}
Field2D sg
int nsys