File interpolation_z.hxx


using RegisterZInterpolation = ZInterpolationFactory::RegisterInFactory<DerivedType>
class ZInterpolation

Subclassed by ZHermiteSpline

Public Functions

explicit ZInterpolation(int y_offset = 0, Mesh *mesh = nullptr, Region<Ind3D> region_in = {})
virtual ~ZInterpolation() = default
virtual void calcWeights(const Field3D &delta_z) = 0
virtual Field3D interpolate(const Field3D &f, const std::string &region_str = "DEFAULT") const = 0
virtual Field3D interpolate(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &delta_z, const std::string &region_str = "DEFAULT") = 0
inline void setRegion(Region<Ind3D> new_region)
inline virtual std::vector<ParallelTransform::PositionsAndWeights> getWeightsForYUpApproximation(int i, int j, int k) const
inline virtual std::vector<ParallelTransform::PositionsAndWeights> getWeightsForYDownApproximation(int i, int j, int k) const
inline virtual std::vector<ParallelTransform::PositionsAndWeights> getWeightsForYApproximation(int i, int j, int k, int yoffset) const

Public Members

const int y_offset

Protected Attributes

Mesh *localmesh = {nullptr}
Region<Ind3D> region
class ZInterpolationFactory : public Factory<ZInterpolation, ZInterpolationFactory, int, Mesh*, Region<Ind3D>>

Public Functions

inline ReturnType create(Options *options, int y_offset = 0, Mesh *mesh = nullptr, Region<Ind3D> region_in = {}) const
inline ReturnType create(int y_offset = 0, Mesh *mesh = nullptr, Region<Ind3D> region_in = {}) const
inline ReturnType create(const std::string &type, MAYBE_UNUSED(Options *options)) const

Public Static Functions

static void ensureRegistered()

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr auto type_name = "ZInterpolation"
static constexpr auto section_name = "zinterpolation"
static constexpr auto option_name = "type"
static constexpr auto default_type = "hermitespline"
class ZHermiteSpline : public ZInterpolation

Public Functions

explicit ZHermiteSpline(int y_offset = 0, Mesh *mesh = nullptr, Region<Ind3D> region_in = {})
virtual void calcWeights(const Field3D &delta_z) override
virtual Field3D interpolate(const Field3D &f, const std::string &region_str = "DEFAULT") const override
virtual Field3D interpolate(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &delta_z, const std::string &region_str = "DEFAULT") override
virtual std::vector<ParallelTransform::PositionsAndWeights> getWeightsForYApproximation(int i, int j, int k, int yoffset) const override

Return position and weight of points needed to approximate the function value at the point that the field line through (i,j,k) meets the (j+1)-plane. For the case where only the z-direction is not aligned to grid points, the approximation is: f(i,j+1,k*) = h00 * f(i,j+1,k) + h01 * f(i,j+1,k+1)

  • h10 * dfdz(i,j+1,k) + h11 * dfdz(i,j+1,k+1) = h00 * f(i,j+1,k) + h01 * f(i,j+1,k+1)

  • h10 * ( f(i,j+1,k+1) - f(i,j+1,k-1) ) / 2

  • h11 * ( f(i,j+1,k+2) - f(i,j+1,k) ) / 2 for k* a point between k and k+1. Therefore, this function returns position weight (i, j+1, k-1) - h10 / 2 (i, j+1, k) h00 - h11 / 2 (i, j+1, k+1) h01 + h10 / 2 (i, j+1, k+2) h11 / 2

Private Members

const std::string fz_region
Array<Ind3D> k_corner
Field3D h00
Field3D h01
Field3D h10
Field3D h11