File globalfield.hxx

class GlobalField
#include <globalfield.hxx>

This provides a method for gathering and scattering a field which takes into account the local and global indices

This is a base class which is inherited by GlobalField2D and GlobalField3D

Subclassed by GlobalField2D, GlobalField3D

Public Functions

GlobalField() = delete
virtual ~GlobalField() = default
virtual bool valid() const = 0

Is the data valid on any processor?

inline bool dataIsLocal() const

Data is on this processor.

inline BoutReal &operator()(int jx, int jy, int jz)

Data access by index. This doesn’t perform any checks, so the user should first test if the data is available on this processor by calling dataIsLocal()

inline const BoutReal &operator()(int jx, int jy, int jz) const

Const data access by index.

inline int xSize() const

Size of the field in X.

inline int ySize() const

Size of the field in Y.

inline int zSize() const

Size of the field in Z.

inline Array<BoutReal> &getData()

Protected Functions

GlobalField(Mesh *m, int proc, int xsize, int ysize, int zsize)
void proc_local_origin(int proc, int *x, int *y, int *z = nullptr) const
void proc_origin(int proc, int *x, int *y, int *z = nullptr) const

Return the global origin of processor proc.

void proc_size(int proc, int *lx, int *ly, int *lz = nullptr) const

Return the array size of processor proc.

Protected Attributes

Mesh *mesh

The mesh we’re gathering/scattering over.

int data_on_proc

Which processor is this data on?

int nx
int ny
int nz

Global field sizes.

Array<BoutReal> data

The global data, if on this processor.

MPI_Comm comm

Communicator for all mesh.

int npes
int mype

Number of MPI processes, this processor index.

class GlobalField2D : public GlobalField
#include <globalfield.hxx>

Gather and scatter a Field2D


To create a GlobalField2D, pass a mesh pointer

GlobalField2D g2d(mesh);

By default data is gathered and scattered to/from processor 0. To change this, pass the processor number as a second argument:

GlobalField3D g2d(mesh, 1); // Gather onto processor 1

Gather and scatter methods operate on Field2D objects:

Field2D localdata;

g2d.gather(localdata); // Gather onto one processsor

To scatter data back, use the scatter method:

localdata = g2d.scatter();

Note that both gather and scatter are collective operations, which must be performed by all processors.

To test if the data is available on a processor, use:

if(g2d.dataIsLocal()) {
  // g2d data on this processor

The data in a GlobalField2D can be accessed using (x,y,z) indexing, with the index ranges given by xSize, ySize, zSize methods.

for ( int x=0; x<g2d.xSize(); x++)
  for ( int y=0; y<g2d.ySize(); y++)
    output.write(" Value at ({:d} ,{:d}) is {:e}\n" ,
                   x, y,
                   g2d(x, y));

Public Functions

GlobalField2D() = delete

Can’t be constructed without args.

GlobalField2D(Mesh *mesh, int proc = 0)

Construct, giving a mesh and an optional processor

  • mesh[in] The mesh to gather over

  • proc[in] The processor index where everything will be gathered/scattered to/from

~GlobalField2D() override


inline virtual bool valid() const override

Is the data valid and on this processor?

void gather(const Field2D &f)

Gather all data onto one processor.

const Field2D scatter() const

Scatter data back from one to many processors.

inline GlobalField2D &operator=(const Field2D &rhs)

Assignment from a 2D field. Shorthand for a gather, and must be called on all processors The scatter assignment operator needs to be a member of Field2D.

inline BoutReal &operator()(int jx, int jy)

Data access by global index.

inline const BoutReal &operator()(int jx, int jy) const

Private Functions

int msg_len(int proc) const

The length of message (in BoutReals) to be sent to or from processor proc


proc[in] MPI processor index

Private Members

BoutReal **buffer

Buffer for sending and receiving. First index is the processor index, and second is the data

bool data_valid

Is the data valid and on this processor?

class GlobalField3D : public GlobalField
#include <globalfield.hxx>

Gather and scatter a Field3D to/from one processor


To create a GlobalField3D, pass a mesh pointer

GlobalField3D g3d(mesh);

By default data is gathered and scattered to/from processor 0. To change this, pass the processor number as a second argument:

GlobalField3D g3d(mesh, 1); // Gather onto processor 1

Gather and scatter methods operate on Field3D objects:

Field3D localdata;

g3d.gather(localdata); // Gather onto one processsor

To scatter data back, use the scatter method:

localdata = g3d.scatter();

Note that both gather and scatter are collective operations, which must be performed by all processors.

To test if the data is available on a processor, use:

if(g3d.dataIsLocal()) {
  // g3d data on this processor

The data in a GlobalField3D can be accessed using (x,y,z) indexing, with the index ranges given by xSize, ySize, zSize methods.

for ( int x=0; x<g3d.xSize(); x++)
  for ( int y=0; y<g3d.ySize(); y++)
    for ( int z=0; z<g3d.zSize(); z++)
      output.write(" Value at ({:d} ,{:d} ,{:d}) is {:e}\n" ,
                   x, y, z,
                   g3d(x, y, z));

Public Functions

GlobalField3D() = delete

Can’t be constructed without args.

GlobalField3D(Mesh *mesh, int proc = 0)

Construct, giving a mesh and an optional processor

  • mesh[in] The mesh to gather over

  • proc[in] The processor index where everything will be gathered/scattered to/from

~GlobalField3D() override


inline virtual bool valid() const override

Test if the data is valid i.e. has been allocated.

void gather(const Field3D &f)

Gather all data onto one processor.

const Field3D scatter() const

Scatter data back from one to many processors.

inline GlobalField3D &operator=(const Field3D &rhs)

Assignment from a 2D field. Shorthand for a gather, and must be called on all processors The scatter assignment operator needs to be a member of Field2D.

Private Functions

int msg_len(int proc) const

The length of message (in BoutReals) to be sent to or from processor proc


proc[in] MPI processor index

Private Members

BoutReal **buffer

Buffer for sending and receiving. First index is the processor index, and second is the data

bool data_valid

Is the data valid and on this processor?