File hypre_interface.hxx#


HypreMalloc(P, SIZE)#


BOUT_ENUM_CLASS(HYPRE_SOLVER_TYPE, gmres, bicgstab, pcg)#
namespace bout

Provides access to the Hypre library, handling initialisation and finalisation.


#include <bout/hyprelib.hxx>

class MyClass { public:

private: HypreLib lib; };

This will then automatically initialise Hypre the first time an object is created, and finalise it when the last object is destroyed.

Copyright 2012 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu

Contact: Ben Dudson,

This file is part of BOUT++.

BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with BOUT++. If not, see

Information about the version of BOUT++

The build system will update this file on every commit, which may result in files that include it getting rebuilt. Therefore it should be included in as few places as possible

Information about the version of BOUT++

The build system will update this file at configure-time

SNB model

template<class T>
class HypreMatrix#

Public Types

using ind_type = typename T::ind_type#

Public Functions

HypreMatrix() = default#
HypreMatrix(const HypreMatrix<T>&) = delete#
inline HypreMatrix(HypreMatrix<T> &&other)#
HypreMatrix<T> &operator=(const HypreMatrix<T>&) = delete#
inline HypreMatrix<T> &operator=(HypreMatrix<T> &&other)#
inline explicit HypreMatrix(IndexerPtr<T> indConverter, bool preallocate = true)#

Construct a matrix capable of operating on the specified field, preallocating memory if requeted and possible.

note: preallocate not currently used, but here to match PetscMatrix interface

inline BoutReal getVal(const ind_type &row, const ind_type &column) const#
inline BoutReal getVal(const HYPRE_BigInt row, const HYPRE_BigInt column) const#
inline void setVal(const ind_type &row, const ind_type &column, BoutReal value)#
inline void setVal(const HYPRE_BigInt row, const HYPRE_BigInt column, BoutReal value)#
inline void addVal(const ind_type &row, const ind_type &column, BoutReal value)#
inline void addVal(const HYPRE_BigInt row, const HYPRE_BigInt column, BoutReal value)#
inline BoutReal operator()(const ind_type &row, const ind_type &column) const#
inline BoutReal operator()(const HYPRE_BigInt &row, const HYPRE_BigInt &column) const#
inline Element operator()(const ind_type &row, const ind_type &column)#
inline void assemble()#
inline bool isAssembled() const#
inline HypreMatrix<T> yup(int index = 0)#
inline HypreMatrix<T> ydown(int index = 0)#
inline HypreMatrix<T> ynext(int dir)#
inline HYPRE_IJMatrix get()#
inline const HYPRE_IJMatrix &get() const#
inline HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix getParallel()#
inline const HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix &getParallel() const#
inline void computeAxpby(double alpha, HypreVector<T> &x, double beta, HypreVector<T> &y)#
inline void computeAx(HypreVector<T> &x, HypreVector<T> &y)#

Private Members

MPI_Comm comm#
HYPRE_BigInt ilower#
HYPRE_BigInt iupper#
std::shared_ptr<HYPRE_IJMatrix> hypre_matrix = {nullptr}#
HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix parallel_matrix = {nullptr}#
IndexerPtr<T> index_converter#
CELL_LOC location#
bool initialised = {false}#
int yoffset = {0}#
ParallelTransform *parallel_transform = {nullptr}#
bool assembled = {false}#
HYPRE_BigInt num_rows#
std::vector<HYPRE_BigInt> *I#
std::vector<std::vector<HYPRE_BigInt>> *J#
std::vector<std::vector<HYPRE_Complex>> *V#
HypreLib hyprelib = {}#
class Element#

Public Functions

Element() = delete#
Element(const Element&) = default#
Element(Element&&) = default#
inline Element(HypreMatrix<T> &matrix_, HYPRE_BigInt row_, HYPRE_BigInt column_, std::vector<HYPRE_BigInt> positions_ = {}, std::vector<BoutReal> weights_ = {})#
inline Element &operator=(const Element &other)#
inline Element &operator=(BoutReal value_)#
inline Element &operator+=(BoutReal value_)#
inline operator BoutReal() const#

Private Functions

inline void setValues(BoutReal value_)#
inline void addValues(BoutReal value_)#

Private Members

HypreMatrix *matrix#
HYPRE_IJMatrix hypre_matrix#
HYPRE_BigInt row#
HYPRE_BigInt column#
HYPRE_Complex value#
std::vector<HYPRE_BigInt> positions#
std::vector<BoutReal> weights#
struct MatrixDeleter#

Public Functions

inline void operator()(HYPRE_IJMatrix *matrix) const#
template<class T>
class HypreSystem#

Public Functions

inline HypreSystem(Mesh &mesh, Options &options)#
~HypreSystem() = default#
inline void setRelTol(double tol)#
inline void setAbsTol(double tol)#
inline void setMaxIter(int max_iter)#
inline double getFinalRelResNorm()#
inline int getNumItersTaken()#
inline void setMatrix(HypreMatrix<T> *A_)#
inline int setupAMG(HypreMatrix<T> *P_)#
inline void setSolutionVector(HypreVector<T> *x_)#
inline void setRHSVector(HypreVector<T> *b_)#
inline HypreMatrix<T> *getMatrix()#
inline HypreMatrix<T> *getAMGMatrix()#
inline HypreVector<T> *getRHS()#
inline HypreVector<T> *getSolution()#
inline HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn SetupFcn() const#
inline HYPRE_PtrToParSolverFcn SolveFcn() const#
inline int solve()#

Private Members

HypreMatrix<T> *P = {nullptr}#
HypreMatrix<T> *A = {nullptr}#
HypreVector<T> *x = {nullptr}#
HypreVector<T> *b = {nullptr}#
MPI_Comm comm#
HYPRE_Solver solver#
HYPRE_Solver precon#
bool solver_setup = {false}#
HypreLib hyprelib = {}#
decltype(HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESCreate) *solverCreate = {nullptr}#
decltype(HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrintLevel) *solverSetPrintLevel = {nullptr}#
decltype(HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetTol) *solverSetTol = {nullptr}#
decltype(HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetAbsoluteTol) *solverSetAbsoluteTol = {nullptr}#
decltype(HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetMaxIter) *solverSetMaxIter = {nullptr}#
decltype(HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm) *solverGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm = {nullptr}#
decltype(HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESGetNumIterations) *solverGetNumIterations = {nullptr}#
decltype(HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond) *solverSetPrecond = {nullptr}#
decltype(HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetup) *solverSetup = {nullptr}#
decltype(HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSolve) *solverSolve = {nullptr}#
template<class T>
class HypreVector#

Public Types

using ind_type = typename T::ind_type#

Public Functions

HypreVector() = default#
inline ~HypreVector()#
HypreVector(const HypreVector<T>&) = delete#
auto operator=(const HypreVector<T>&) = delete#
inline HypreVector(HypreVector<T> &&other)#
inline HypreVector<T> &operator=(HypreVector<T> &&other)#
inline HypreVector<T> &operator=(const T &f)#
inline explicit HypreVector(const T &f, IndexerPtr<T> indConverter)#

Construct from a field, copying over the field values.

inline explicit HypreVector(IndexerPtr<T> indConverter)#

Construct a vector with given index set, but don’t set any values.

inline void assemble()#
inline void writeCacheToHypre()#
inline void readCacheFromHypre()#
inline T toField()#
inline void importValuesFromField(const T &f)#
inline HYPRE_IJVector get()#
inline const HYPRE_IJVector &get() const#
inline HYPRE_ParVector getParallel()#
inline const HYPRE_ParVector &getParallel() const#
inline Element operator()(ind_type &index)#

Private Members

MPI_Comm comm#
HYPRE_BigInt jlower#
HYPRE_BigInt jupper#
HYPRE_BigInt vsize#
HYPRE_IJVector hypre_vector = {nullptr}#
HYPRE_ParVector parallel_vector = {nullptr}#
IndexerPtr<T> indexConverter#
CELL_LOC location#
bool initialised = {false}#
bool have_indices = {false}#
HYPRE_BigInt *I = {nullptr}#
HYPRE_Complex *V = {nullptr}#
HypreLib hyprelib = {}#


inline friend void swap(HypreVector<T> &lhs, HypreVector<T> &rhs)#
class Element#

Public Functions

Element() = delete#
Element(const Element&) = default#
Element(Element&&) = default#
inline Element(HypreVector<T> &vector_, int index_)#
inline Element &operator=(const Element &other)#
inline Element &operator=(BoutReal value_)#
inline Element &operator+=(BoutReal value_)#
inline operator BoutReal() const#

Private Members

HypreVector<T> *vector#
HYPRE_IJVector hypre_vector = {nullptr}#
HYPRE_BigInt index#
int vec_i#
HYPRE_Complex value#