File I/O#

BOUT++ deals with essentially two types of binary files: “grid” files which are input files read collectively and distributed over all processes; and “dump” files which are used for input and/or output are unique to each process. Dump files are accessed through the bout::OptionsNetCDF interface, while grid files have another layer over the top of this in order to handle the distribution over processes.

bout::OptionsNetCDF provides an interface to read and write Options to/from netCDF files. See BOUT++ options for how to use Options, and Reading and writing to NetCDF for how to use bout::OptionsNetCDF.

Changes in BOUT++ v5#

BOUT++ previously also supported the Portable Data Binary (PDB) format, developed at LLNL, as well as HDF5 files directly, but support for these formats were removed in BOUT++ v4 and v5, respectively. The whole file I/O system has been refactored in v5 to take advantage of bout::OptionsNetCDF and drastically simplify the library code. This has in turn changed how some I/O is handled. Previously, there was a global bout::globals::dump object of type Datafile, which wrapped an internal Dataformat base class, which was an interface to various concrete implementations of the different file formats supported.

The dump instance stored non-const pointers to variables, and wrote them to disk periodically. This had some significant downsides: writing const variables was painful, expressions required an intermediate variable, and variables had to remain in scope until dump actually flushed to disk. This was easy to get wrong and accidentally end up writing nonsense.

In v5, file IO is now done entirely through Options and bout::OptionsNetCDF: data is stored in an Options instance and then written to disk through bout::OptionsNetCDF. The data is copied into the Options instance, so there are no issues with const variables, expressions, or scope.

With the defunct dump being a global instance, any object anywhere could write to file. Now that it has been removed, we have a new idiom for objects that wish to write data: void outputVars(Options&). An existing Options instance is passed in and the object sets whatever data it likes. This allows the same Options instance to be passed around and be added to before being written, as well as easily enabling objects to write to separate files if required.

All of this has meant that some changes are necessary to physics models when it comes to writing data. There are now two more virtual methods on PhysicsModel:

/// Output additional variables other than the evolving variables
virtual void outputVars(Options& options);
/// Add additional variables other than the evolving variables to the restart files
virtual void restartVars(Options& options);

PhysicsModel::outputVars() is our new idiomatic method, while PhysicsModel::restartVars() is very similar just targeting the restart file only. This allows the developer to add auxiliary variables to the restart file. Instead of the global dump and member restart Datafile instances, there are two Options members of PhysicsModel: PhysicsModel::output_file and PhysicsModel::restart_file. These are private and so can only be accessed through the outputVars and restartVars methods.

As in previous versions, the Solver takes care of ensuring evolving variables are added to the output and restart files through Solver::outputVars(), though now it takes a reference to an Options rather than a Datafile.

For non-evolving variables, the developer can override PhysicsModel::outputVars to add further data, diagnostics, and auxiliary variables to the output file.

The PhysicsModel::PhysicsModelMonitor is called by the solver every nout timesteps (see General options fore more details on input options). This monitor calls Solver::outputVars() to set the evolving variables, and then PhysicsModel::outputVars() to set any model-specific data. The restart file is handled similarly.

To help upgrading to BOUT++ v5, there is a bout::DataFileFacade member of PhysicsModel called dump. This class provides a similar interface to Datafile, and just like Datafile it also stores pointers to variables. This means that it still suffers from all of the downsides of Datafile, and developers are encouraged to move to the outputVars approach. The SAVE_ONCE/SAVE_REPEAT macros also work through DataFileFacade – this means that they cannot be used outside of PhysicsModel methods!

FieldPerp I/O#

FieldPerp objects can be saved to output files and read from them. The yindex of a FieldPerp is the local y-index on a certain processor, but is saved in output files as a global y-index in the attribute yindex_global. The intention is that a FieldPerp being saved should be a globally well-defined object, e.g. a set of values at one divertor target boundary, that will only be saved from processors holding that global y-index. The expectation is that the other processors would all save an invalid FieldPerp variable, with a yindex_global that is more negative than the lowest y-boundary guard cell [2]. The reason for saving the invalid FieldPerp variables is so that all variables are present in every dump file (even if they are not allocated or used); in particular the Python collect routine assumes that any variable will be found in the first output file, which collect uses to get its type and dimensions.