File coordinates_accessor.hxx#



Create functions to access data e.g. dx(index) by casting the Offset to an int and passing to lookup function

e.g. COORD_FN1(dx) defines a function BoutReal dx(int index) const {…}


Generates lookup functions for each symbol Macro should accept up to 10 arguments

e.g. COORD_FN(dx, dy) produces two functions BoutReal dx(int index) const {…} BoutReal dy(int index) const {…}

struct CoordinatesAccessor#
#include <coordinates_accessor.hxx>

Provide (hopefully) fast access to Coordinates data e.g. grid spacing, metric tensors etc.

Contains only two member variables:

  • data a BoutReal pointer

  • mesh_nz an int

data is striped, so that quantities at a given grid cell are packed together.


auto coord_acc = CoordinatesAccessor(mesh->getCoordinates()); coord_acc.dx(index) -> BoutReal at cell index


Public Types

enum class Offset#

Offsets of each coordinates variable into the striped array.


enumerator dx#
enumerator dy#
enumerator dz#
enumerator d1_dx#
enumerator d1_dy#
enumerator d1_dz#
enumerator J#
enumerator B#
enumerator Byup#
enumerator Bydown#
enumerator G1#
enumerator G3#
enumerator g11#
enumerator g12#
enumerator g13#
enumerator g22#
enumerator g23#
enumerator g33#
enumerator g_11#
enumerator g_12#
enumerator g_13#
enumerator g_22#
enumerator g_23#
enumerator g_33#
enumerator end#

Public Functions

CoordinatesAccessor() = delete#
explicit CoordinatesAccessor(const Coordinates *coords)#

Constructor from Coordinates Copies data from coords, doesn’t modify it

inline BoutReal lookup(int index, int offset) const#

Lookup value in data array, based on the cell index and the variable offset

inline BoutReal dx(int index) const#
inline BoutReal dy(int index) const#
inline BoutReal dz(int index) const#
inline BoutReal d1_dx(int index) const#
inline BoutReal d1_dy(int index) const#
inline BoutReal d1_dz(int index) const#
inline BoutReal J(int index) const#
inline BoutReal B(int index) const#
inline BoutReal Byup(int index) const#
inline BoutReal Bydown(int index) const#
inline BoutReal G1(int index) const#
inline BoutReal G3(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g11(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g12(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g13(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g22(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g23(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g33(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g_11(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g_12(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g_13(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g_22(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g_23(int index) const#
inline BoutReal g_33(int index) const#

Public Members

BoutReal *data#

Underlying data pointer. This array includes all Coordinates fields interleaved

int mesh_nz#

For converting from 3D to 2D index.

Public Static Functions

static std::size_t clear(const Coordinates *coords = nullptr)#

Clear the cache of Coordinates data

By default this clears everything; if only a specific Coordinates should be removed then that can be specified.

Returns the number of data arrays removed (mainly to assist in testing)

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr int stripe_size = static_cast<int>(Offset::end)#

The number of values for each grid point Note: This might be > end to align to memory boundaries e.g. 32-byte boundaries -> multiples of 32 / 8 = 4 desirable